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JU tech students. Image source: the telegraph.

After 7 days JU tech finally agreed to NBA inspection.

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On Wednesday Jadavpur University(JU) finally declared to gave recognition that they want Natural Board of Accreditation(NBA). From March 25-26 a team from accredation agency visited three departments suck are – power engineering, information technology, instrumentation and electronics engineering. However, JU had prepared a 2014 report for NBA’s visit, but the inspection finally doesn’t took place. As some mechanical engineering and production engineering teachers are opposed to NBA accredation.

For the NBA tag, the University has started some common engineering curriculum said by the official. “A common curriculum is one of the conditions for the university to be eligible to seek accreditation. Teachers think the common curriculum has diluted the university’s autonomy.” Unfortunately the curriculum had robed the specialization of activities by the students in their fields.

NBA was opted by the University as many of engineering graduates didn’t get jobs in Golf countries. According to source many engineering graduates are being rejected for getting Jobs in abroad just of because they are not approved by the NBA. Thousands of engineering in June in Kuwait including IIT, loose their jobs as the courses they studied in Indian universities are not approved by NBA.

Such accredation can raise the profile of an institute which can also help to improve the placement facilities said by Bose who participate in cemetary celebrations of JU’s chemical engineer department.

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