
Elizabeth Borne becomes second female Prime Minister of France

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For the second time in 30 years, a woman is elected as the Prime Minister of France, as she prepares for legislative elections in June. At the age of 61, she becomes the second Prime Minister of France replacing Jean Castex. Between May 1991 and April 1992 Edith Cresson was France’s first female Prime Minister who served under Socialist President Francois Mitterand. When she was in charge of the Labour Ministry, she decreased the level of unemployed job seekers.

She will lead the French government on Frenchman President Emmanuel Macaron’s elections campaign priorities. Borne’s first mission is to make sure that Macron’s centrist party will do well in the France Parliamentary elections to be held in June. The process of voting settled in two rounds which determined the groups of majority seat holders at the National Assembly.

Borne also needs to ensure that the minimum retirement range will be exceeded from 62 to 65 if the Macron’s party win in the Assembly. Macron also promised the new Prime Minister that she would be directly in charge of “green planning”, for the betterment of France’s climate-related policies.

From 2008 to 2013 she was the director of urban planning for Paris as the first woman appointed Prefect of Vienne and the Region of Poitou-Charentes 2013. Served as private secretary to Segolene Royal, the Ministry of ecology in 2014.

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