
Upload YouTube Shorts on Youthesta

How to upload YouTube Shorts on Youthesta?

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You can upload Normal YouTube videos directly from YouTube android app by copying the link from share button. However, the procedure to upload YouTube shorts video on Youthesta is slightly different.

Follow these 5  Simple Steps to Upload Youtube Shorts on Youthesta.

⓵ Open the desired Youtube short video on Chrome Browser on your Mobile/PC.

Turn on Desktop Mode if you are using mobile.

Long Press your finger on the video straight for 5 Seconds.

/or if you are using a PC, then Right Click on the video.

You’ll see a POPUP Window.

Click on the “Copy video URL” option and Paste it on Youthesta.


The link should always look like this: https://youtu.be/fyiuu ✅

NOT LIKE THIS: https://youtube.com/shorts/z-xaug?feature=share❎?

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