India Germany 1

Image: External Minsiter S. Jaishankar with German Foreign Minsiter Annalena Baerbock, Image Source:

India’s Russian Oil imports only ⅙ of Europe’s, India’s neutral stance and trade decisions not liable to EU, says External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar

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In a joint press briefing on Monday (December 5, 2022) after conducting extensive discussions on a variety of issues with visiting German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, The Indian External Minister S. Jaishankar was quoted as saying, ” India’s Russian Oil import amounts only ⅙ of Europe’s import in the last 9 months….” and was seen expressive of the notion that India’s trade with Russia is at a relatively smaller scale, not enough to garner Europe’s probing remarks.

Jaishankar’s German Counterpart Baerbock is on a 2 day visit to India, where she first convened in The Capital New Delhi with her Indian coequal Jaishankar  to discuss on the issue of Ukrainian Crisis, China’s alarmingly growing influence and the G20, as has been revealed now. During the press briefing when asked on the topic of India’s continued trade with Russia, an entity that the European Union and the West has desperately been  trying to regulate since the start of the Ukrainian crisis, Jaishankar answered that the trade agreements between India and Russia far precede the start of the Ukrainian issue and India’s decision to honour the agreements is simply to fulfill it’ fundamental obligation to provide it’s citizens the best access to International markets. On the same topic Baerbock commented describing Russia’s actions as illegal and an act of terror, reiterating the EU and G7 decision of price capping Russian  Oil at $60 a barrel by stopping shipments and insurance to countries buying the resource for above the capped price.

Additionally when a foreign journalist asked Jaishankar if decreasing import in the future is a possibility on India’s part, Jaishankar shared the European nations’ own increased import and consumption of Russian Oil and gas,  meanwhile asking the ‘lesser privileged’ nation’s to null their trade arrangements with Russia, a dual precedent that could rightfully be questioned as double standards.

Other topics discussed as revealed in the presser were India’s drawn out conflict with Pakistan on Kashmir, that India declared as a bilateral issue, and Germany conceded. The current tumultuous political scenario in Afghanistan, the Indo- Pacific strategy going forward. Reaching a consensus on comprehensive partnership on migration and mobility meant to ease travel for research, study and work for people in both countries, which Mr. Jaishankar said would be the “basis for a more contemporary partnership” to relations. However, the two governments were left at a standstill regarding the custody of Aria Shah, the 22 month old baby who was brought in by German authorities after her parents were brought in for multiple charges towards the baby. The German side assured of the safety and well-being of the child in their care, until a decision is made.

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