On a survey it was found that the number of disabled students at IIT Gandhinagar increase from 16 (2017-18) to 19 (2022-23). Recently, the officials of the institute stated that the campus is designed in such a way that it can be used by everyone. The technologies include a stair-climbing wheelchair which was included in all the campus house area.
A senior official said, “Over the years, we have got students with haemophilia, locomotor disability and muscular dystrophy to name a few. It’s not just emotional and academic support, but in several cases the students have been advised medically, too, to ensure that they get the best treatment”.
She also mentioned about a student from their campus named Anushree Modi, (5th year student) who was an inspiration for many disabled students. Although Anushree faced difficulties, she is an international paraswinner who was representing India in Asian Youth Games 2007, in Dubai. She got 36 gold and 10 silver medals in many championship.
The senior officials revealed about the accessibility audit which was going to be held next year. The campus too provide library facility to make the students library-friendly and with these a special committee will be made to ensure the student’s to become a part of GNLU’s (Gujarat National Law University) vibrant community.