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Punalur Taluk Hospital in Kollam , Kerala. (Vivek Nair / Hindustan Times)

Kerala’s expenditure in health: 4 times higher than the Country: claims NHA

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The analysed report from NHA(National Health account) estimates that Kerala has always prioratized the Department of health in their yearly budget. It accounts to the significance that the southernmost state which is renowned as “God’s own country” spends almost Rs 9,871 per capita taking their tally even four times greater than the national average. The only runner behind Kerala stands Himachal with their cost per capita of Rs 6.496.

The submitted report for 2018-19 of the Union health and family welfare ministry, released on Monday also passed a distinction to Kerala on comparison with their neighbouring southern states putting behind Karnataka(Rs 4,878),Tamil Nadu(Rs 4,311),Telangana(Rs 4,130)and Andhra Pradesh(Rs 4,967)at a much considerable difference.

The prepared analysis of NHA are made on the basis of the data’s provided by the WHO on 2011 in the health index of Indian states. Thus,Kerala has maintained a consistency in providing superficial facilitates and benefits to the people from their own cost,within it two thirds of 69% either borrowed or gathered from the personal savings versus the national’s 53%.

The convenor of the Jeevan raksha project, Mysore Sanjeev stated that Kerala initiated their fund for the people who compels them to pay less in contrast to the other states of the country.

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