military_tech Top Scorers
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RankTop Scorers TOP SCORERS:
The top 10 creators are ranked according to their skill scores.

Skill Score (5-point Scale)
└── Post Scores (5-points)
├── Topic Selection & Research (5-points)
├── Creativity & Uniqueness (5-points)
└── Timeliness & Social Impact (5-points)

The Skill Score reflects the creators' ability, potential, skillset and content quality. Be inspired by the top performers on our leaderboard!
1stYouthesta Behala College Youthesta Behala College
Score: 4.7/5
2ndMohona Ghosh Mohona Ghosh
Score: 4.0/5
3rdAyan Maiti Ayan Maiti
Score: 3.7/5
4thSayani Singha Sayani Singha
Score: 3.5/5
5thAnirban Biswas Anirban Biswas
Score: 3.3/5
6thSandeep Shee Sandeep Shee
Score: 3.0/5
7thAnindita Saha Anindita Saha
Score: 2.9/5
8thSnigdha Chatterjee Snigdha Chatterjee
Score: 2.9/5
9thSubham Banerjee Subham Banerjee
Score: 2.9/5
10thAaheli Chakraborty Aaheli Chakraborty
Score: 2.9/5
RankTop Contributors TOP CONTRIBUTORS:
The top 10 creators are ranked based on earned credits.

└── 1 News Story = 2 credits
├── 1 YouTales = 3 credits
└── 1 Victory in Weekly Challenge = 4 credits.

Total Credits= {(Published News stories x 2) + (YouTales x 3) + (Winning Posts x 2)}

The leaderboard showcases the creators' dedication, perseverance, and commitment.
*NOTE: Earned credits can be utilized to unlock certificate and thrilling features.
1stSoumali DuttaSoumali Dutta
122 Credits
2ndAnushree ParaiAnushree Parai
112 Credits
3rdDamodar DasDamodar Das
112 Credits
4thRumpa SenRumpa Sen
98 Credits
5thAriyan FakirAriyan Fakir
92 Credits
6thRaju SardarRaju Sardar
92 Credits
7thShriti MishraShriti Mishra
92 Credits
8thSrijita MajumdarSrijita Majumdar
90 Credits
9thSugnick MandalSugnick Mandal
86 Credits
10thParamita GayenParamita Gayen
86 Credits
RankTrending Creators TRENDING CREATORS:
The top 10 trending creators of current week are ranked.

Viral Index Score(VIS)
└── Total views = number of views of a content
├── Time elapsed = tracking post timestamp
└── Popularity index = total shares & interactions

Introducing our very own invented formula for calculating the VIS, designed to track and identify trending and rising creators based on popular demand.

Weekly Challenge Winners


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