Manoj Bajpayee started into acting with Ram Gopal Verma’s Satya, and in an interview last Tuesday(February, 28, 2023) with Youtuber Ranveer Allahbadia on the latter’s YouTube channel, the now established star was all praises for the actor.
Bajpayee claimed RGV to be the only person to have had any impact on the business.
He claimed that because RGV was stoned, he created Satya, Shiva, and Rangeela when speaking about his time working with him. And went on to create Kaun, Shool, and Company. He claimed that head of his has revolutionized the business. He was of the opinion that RGV’s influence provided the industry with a huge number of actors and assistant directors. RGV alone transformed the way the film business produced movies. The actors shared that he believed that individuals who are tripped out are brave.
Bajpayee went on to say that even though he doesn’t always concur with what RGV says, he still enjoys hearing him out because, in his opinion, the director has a wonderful philosophy about contemporary relationships and society as a whole.
RGV, continued Manoj Bajpayee, has his own philosophy, method of doing things, and set of guiding principles. He has a great deal of education.
In movies like “Satya,” “Shool,” “Kaun,” and others, Manoj Bajpayee and RGV have worked together. In terms of his professional endeavors, Manoj Bajpayee will next be seen in the upcoming web series “Gulmohar,” alongside Sharmila Tagore as she makes her return to acting. Joined by other actors like serial stars Amol Palekar and Suraj Sharma. The movie will be made available on March 3, 2023 , on a streaming service.