A peer team of National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) today visited Behala College to assess the college for renewal of accreditation. The College was accredited with grade ‘A’ in NAAC assessment 2015.
The NAAC team was led by Dr Niranjana Valli, Chairperson, Dr Wali Mohammad Shah,Member Co-ordinator and Dr. Saravanan Tharmalingam, Member.
Among two days NAAC visit, the first day started with Principal’s presentation, IQAC presentation followed by Departmental presentation and Departmental visits. During the visit, the team also interacted with the students and faculty members. A special session was arranged for interaction with teaching and non-teaching staff, where they expressed their hope, that if autonomy is granted major development is possible. Added to it some faculty pointed out the need for major technological upliftment.
The first-day visit ended with cultural programme and visit to Organic farming ground, leaving the College to prepare for the Second-day visit.