It’s a new history set! the cancer patients of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center are to get their disease cured, as they went through a small clinical trial in the Cancer Center with a drug called Dostarlimb. The patients had been taking the drug for around six months and what appears according to the shocking report is that all of their cancer cells have gone vanished.
The report says that no cancer is detected by physical exam, endoscopy, positron emission, tomography, PET scans, or MRI scans and experts say that this drug can be seen as a potential cure for the most dangerous disease ‘Cancer’. Dr. Luis A Diaz of New York’s Sloan Kettering Cancer Center said “the first time this has happened in the history of cancer”. The magical drug Dostarlimb is produced from laboratory-produced molecules and acts as a substitute for antibodies in the human body.
According to reports, the cancer patients had been undergoing treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation, and invasive surgery which could result in bowel, urinary, and other dysfunctions. They went through this treatment as a procedure of their treatment and now they do not need any further treatment. The patients took Dostarlimb every three weeks for six months during this trial.