
Religion Is Equal To Humanity

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A married couple from Ranaghat, Nadia has wholeheartedly opted for ‘humanity’ as a religion in the birth certificate of their newly born son. The couple Swarup Mukhopadhyay and Moumita Mukhopadhyay had given an application to the Ranaghat Municipal corporation requesting to permit humanity in the certificate. Their son named Srijit Mukhopadhyay was born on 5th April, 2021. Swarup is an active state committee member of  Youth Organization DYFI. Being raised in a Hindu brahmin family, he never believed in religions like Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Sikh, etc.

He believes that helping people is the foremost religion. Though it is not an easy task. The Municipal corporation had forwarded the application to Ranaghat subdivision administration seeking their permission  for the certificate. The corporation has agreed to this change as a good initiative and finally placed ‘humanity’ in the birth certificate of the child. They even said that humanity should always win over all other religious forms.

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