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Restoration of Indian Museums

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Once upon a time, India was a merry museum of multitudinous histories.Indian Museum formelly called Imperial Museum of Calcutta before independence,is a massive museum in Central Kolkata,West Bengal. It is the ninth oldest museum in the world and the oldest and largest in India as well as Asia. Private museums in India are helping people celebrate there heritage and curate new stories for the future.

Economic progress has led to a stronger sence of one’s history,and private museums are helping people commemorate there past and imagine there future with greater accuracy.Deceptive marketing and increasing depletion of natural resources has eroded this country’s sense of pride and guardianship. The nouveau riche times are all about replacing old things with new, disregarding how valuable they may be. The museum has lost its status as a venerable and important institution, and it now functions primarily as a tourist attraction. It is no longer shocking to find academics or tourists there, it is just a place where things happen.Experts say that the museum’s rebirth is a long overdue phenomena as a sum of many parts of progress. According to Vinod Daniel, Chair AusHeritage and former board member of the International Council of Museums, this resurgence reflects “a process that has been unfolding over the last four to five years” as economic progress and international recognition builds a stronger sense of one’s history and heritage. For businessmen travelling to major cities in India, presenting them with the same expectations for quality leisure is key in cultivating an appreciation for cultural tourism.

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