
Image Source: theindianexpress.com


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India’s electricity consumption rose more than nine percent year-on-year to 117.8

billion units in February this year, according to government data. The strong increase in electricity consumption indicates the continuation of economic activity in February.

Experts have previously said electricity consumption and demand will increase significantly in March as the economy improves and temperatures rise. Data showed that energy consumption in February 2022 was 108.03 billion units (BU), compared to 103.25 BU in the same month of 2021.

Electricity consumption was 103.81 BU in February 2020. In February 2023, the peak power demand met, defined as the highest supply in a day, increased to 209.66 gigatonnes (GW). Peak power supply in February 2022 was 193.58 GW, up from 187.97 GW in February 2021.

In the pre-pandemic February 2020, the peak power demand met was 176.38 GW. Experts predict that power consumption and demand will grow at a faster rate in the coming months as temperatures rise this summer compared to last year.

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