
Mystery of two UPSC candidates with same rank and roll number.


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Two women residing in Madhya Pradesh are said to get the same rank in the UPSC civil service examination,2023 having the same first name after the declaration of the UPSC results on Tuesday.

The 184th rank went to the one named Ayasha Fatima but celebrations erupted in two different households because of same first name.Ayasha Fatima, a 23-year-old girl from the district of Dewas in Madhya Pradesh claimed to have cleared the UPSC civil services examination in her first attempt this year. Likewise on the other hand, Ayasha Makrani similarly of 23 years old from Alirajpur district, claims to be the one who secured 184th rank in the UPSC Civil exam, according to the informations gathered.

Furthermore the complications arises as both the Ayeshas have produced admit cards with the same roll number that is7811744.

However, some more complicated discrepancies are found in their admit cards too. In the admit card of Ayasha Makrani, the date of the personality test is mentioned as April 25, 2023, and the day as Thursday whereas Fatima’s admit card also has the same date that is April 25 but the day mentioned is Tuesday which is right.Besides all these one more suspected thing noticed is that Ayasha Fatima’s admit card has the UPSC watermark with a QR code whereas Makrani’s admit card is printed on a white paper without the watermark or QR code.

“She recieved an email from UPSC informing her that her name has been changed in the UPSC admit card because of similarity in names between three other candidates. Her name was changed to Ayesha Fatima” said Makrani’s brother.

Although after investigations now the sources in UPSC civil office found out that Ayasha Fatima of Dewas is the correct candidate but still further enquiries and investigation will take place to find out how such a mix-up occurred.

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