A vicious winter storm whooped out power in California and the Midwest, blocked interstate highways from Arizona to Wyoming and caused more than 1500 flight cancellations on Wednesday— and if worse, it will continue for several days.
Few places were unaffected by the storm, whereas some at the opposite extreme: long-standing record highs were broken in cities in the Midwest, mid-Atlantic and Southeast. The hard-hitting storm in the north US caused the closing of schools, offices and even it made the Minnesota Legislature shut down. Travel was difficult. The weather contributed to more than 1,500 flight cancellations across the US, according to the tracking service FlightAware. More than 400 of those were only due to the arrival and departures from the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport.
“I think that’s kind of funny that we’ve experienced these types of delays when that’s what he’s looking into getting into now as a career,” Taylor Dotson said.