Saif Ali Khan hitting the Bollywood industry simultaneously with the young actors since three decades. Another glamorous hero Hrithik Roshan have also done many movies in this era. In the upcoming movie of Pushkar Gayathri named ‘Vikram Vedha’, the two superstars will be seen again together. They acted together before as well in the movie named ‘Na Tum Jano Na Hum’ in 2002.
In an interview, Saif admitted that Hrithik is more handsome and taller than him. He also expressed his painful feelings about the movies he does not enjoy to act. He admitted too that, ‘I’m always a disinterested person among teenagers’ even if we all work for money it also painful’. He always proved himself with his acting being from a star family.
Vikram Vedha stars Saif Ali Khan playing the role of cop. Hrithik Roshan will play the role of Vedha. This movie will be a Hindi remake of Tamil movie. Hrithik will be seen in the role of antagonist for the first time. The movie is expected to release on Friday, September 30.