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NSA Ajit Doval is likely to hold separate bilateral meetings with his visiting counterparts on the sidelines of the meet

India to host conclave of top security officials of Central Asian countries

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India is hosting a conclave of top security officials from Kazakhstan, Kygyzstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan with a focus on evolving security situation in At Afghanistan. For the first time India will host such conclave   to deal with threat terrorism emanating from Afghanistan.

National Security Adviser (NSA) Mr. Ajit Doval said on tuesday said that connectivity with central Asian  countries is India’s key priority . According to the source India considers the central Asian countries as the “heart of Asia” and they are also members of the Shanghai Cooperation organisation.

A joint communique will be issued after the meeting, which is expected to outline some of the mechanisms and framework for Cooperation in the security arena.

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