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students receiving online education (image source:walesonline.co.uk)

Online classes but for energy conservation in Wales.

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The Powys Councillor, Beverley Baynaham recently brought up the issue of taking into account all plausible options for cutting down on the expenses in the schools of Powys, Wales in the UK.

During the council meeting organised to brief the head teachers and chair of governors at Powys these issues were discussed and primarily the focus was to cut costs, conserve energy and look for solutions in this direction.

Online mode of education was an idea that was embraced in the discussion with many suggesting that weekly online teaching should be the way to go making one day out of the five week days the day for virtual learning from home. Councillor Pete Roberts, the minister responsible for education went so far as to suggest that blended weeks of learning is also an idea that cannot be overlooked in extreme cases.

A financial toolkit has been prepared to take care of financial issues while consequently the council has been assisting schools by introspecting their budgets and consequently suggesting means to potential solutions.

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