
Almost 2544 OBC candidates, 1362 SC and 538 ST students dropped out of IITs. The Indian express

Over 19,000 ST, SC and OBC students dropped out from central universities, IITs, IIMs in 5 years

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The Ministry of Education on Wednesday said that the available records reveal that a total of 19,256 students from OBC , SC and ST categories dropped out from Central Universities , Indian Institutes of Technology and Indian Institutes of Management from 2018 to 2023. Out of total dropouts , 14,446 were from CUs , 4444 from IITs and 366 from IIMs.
The data was shared by Union Minister of State for Education, Subhas Sarkar, in response to a written question in Rajya Sabha.

“In the Higher Education sector students have multiple options and they choose to migrate across institutions and from one course or programme to another in the same institution. The migration or withdrawal, if any, is mainly on account of securing seats by the students in other departments or institutions of their choice or on any personal ground,” Sarkar said.

“The government has taken various steps like fee reduction, establishment of more institutes, scholarship, priority access to national level scholarships to aid the students with poor financial backgrounds to pursue their education.
“For the welfare of SC and ST students the schemes like waiver of tuition fees in IITs’, grant of national scholarships under Central Sector Scheme, scholarships in institutes etc. are also there,” he added.

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