Amidst the arrest of Delhi Deputy CM Manish Sisodia’s arrest in the liquor scam case, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal made a eye-catching statement and revealed in his statement that most CBI officers were the against due to lack of evidence, but were compelled to do so owing to the “pressure” borne on them by their “political masters”.
“I am told that most CBI officers were against Manish’s arrest. All of them have huge respect for him and there is no evidence against him. But the political pressure to arrest him was so high that they had to obey their political masters,” Kejriwal tweeted.
This statement came a day later after the arrest of deputy cm of delhi in liquor scam case. He was arrested after a 8 hours questioning session.
On the contrary, CBI released a statement alleging that the manish sisodia was giving vague information and was not cooperating in the investigation.
The CBI further stated that Sisodia had been summoned earlier on February 19 in connection with the ongoing probe, but had sought a week’s time citing the Delhi Budget.
“The Deputy CM was issued a notice under section 41A of CrPC for attending the investigation on February 19, 2023. However, he sought time of one week citing his preoccupation,” the CBI stated.
The CBI said after accepting his request, he was issued a notice – u/s 41A CrPC – to report to the agency on February 26 and questions he ‘evaded’ during his examination on October 17, 2022, and further questions relating to his ‘incriminating role’ based on evidence collected during investigation of the case.
“However, he gave evasive replies and did not co-operate the investigation despite being confronted with evidence to the contrary. Therefore, he has been arrested,” the CBI said in a statement.
According to CBI, the accused will produced before the designanated court in Delhi.